- Photovoltaic Parks (including industrial – commercial rooftop systems, green field systems on fixed mounts or trackers, residential PV systems, etc)
- Biomass fired boilers for heat and electricity production
- Biogas units for electricity, heat and natural gas production
- Small Hydroelectric Power Plants (SHPPs) of various types
- Geothermal systems
- District heating units
- Electromechanical installations for Wind Parks
- Industrial refrigeration systems for refrigeration – freezing.
- Fruits and Vegetables packing facilities.
- Vegetables, fruits and other food products canning plants.
- Wineries, bottling facilities, wines and juices storage facilities.
- Industrial air conditioning and refrigeration installations.
- Industrial building complexes of any type.
- Paint manufacturing industries.
- Industrial Slaughterhouses
- Fish farms
- Environmental Protection Systems
- Cotton ginning plants
- Cotton seed de-linting units.
- Seed oil mills
- Textile plants
- Biological treatment plants.
- Electrical power, heat or combined heat & power plants with CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) technology
- Electromechanical and hydraulic installations in general.