Brief description CLIENT: Democritus University of Thrace PROJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER PARK LOCATION : NEW Erasmio - zealots , MUNICIPALITY Topeirou , N . XANTHIS
Περιγραφή: |
Υπηρεσίες: |
Hybrid geothermal - solar thermal cogeneration system of electric and heat energy - Project Operating Year : 2015
- Implementation studies in building and E/M , selection and procurement E/M power equipment
- Project Management
Αντικείμενο εργασιών: |
Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά: |
- TURN KEY construction
- Construction of building , installation of electrical power equipment , construction / installation of special items and other electromechanical equipment
- Parabolic mirrors CSP thermal power 100kWth
- Heat transfer medium (HTF) diathermic oil maximum operating temperature 240 ° C
- circulation system of HTF
- Storage System (TES) capacity 5,000 lt
- Organic cycle engine Rankine (ORC)
- Monitoring system - detection (cameras ) and event detection (alarm )
- Weather station
- Central control unit - SCADA System
- Lightning Protection System
- Measuring devices
- Connection unit with geothermal complex