WHAT COMPOSTING IS Composting is the process where microorganisms, under aerobic or anaerobic conditions, break down organic waste (like manure, agricultural waste, slaughterhouse waste etc) in a warm and humid environment.
COMPOSTING PROCESS Bulking and organic material, like woodchips and green organic material (lawn clippings, fruit rinds, etc.) is mixed with organic waste so that the mixture becomes more porous and bulky. Maintaining proper oxygen and moisture content as well as accurate temperature control is very important in achieving the best efficiency during the biodegradation process (composting). Typical temperature range for efficient composting lies between 54°C and 65°C. Heat needed to preserve a properly warm environment is normally produced by microorganisms that break down the organic material (and waste). So compost is produced which is a stable byproduct of the biodegradation process (composting process) and an excellent soil fertilizer.
BENEFITS FROM COMPOSTING During composting a large amount or even all of the processed waste is converted into useful compost. That is especially true for animal waste that is completely biodegraded. That way as waste management costs are practically reduced to zero so are complaints from environmentally conscious neighbors. Environmental pollution from the waste of an industrial (or a smaller one) unit, like a packing or canning facility, a slaughterhouse etc, becomes a problem of the past. The complete composting process is safe for workers’ health and the environment as it eliminates unpleasant odors and pathogens. That is particularly true when we are talking about the BIO-T system where composting process is completely automated, takes place in a totally closed container and the produced leachates are purified via a biological filter. That way workers as well as neighbors are never exposed to pathogens.